
I’m Jimmy.  In the picture above, you’ll find most of the key players in my memoir/blog.   That’s Jake with the baseball and Jean facing away from the camera.  Jeff is next and then Jamie.  In the bottom right-hand corner is me.  I changed the picture in Feb ’17.  My children have taken the place of my siblings.  Such is life.

I like baseball, He-Man figures, Ecclesiastes, and my wife and my son.  I like corny lines from 80s movies:  “She gave him a smile with a future in it.”

I’m a believer, a baker, a teacher, a space officer, and a lawyer; lived all over the world and currently hang my hat in Wichita, KS.

I write these stories about once a week.  They are for my wife and my son and for the new baby on the way, but you can read them too!

Talk to me if you have any comments!

2/10/17 Update:

I’m relaunching this blog to outline our family travels. Since I wrote the above, we’ve moved from Wichita to Anchorage to Kokomo to our current home in Montreal.  The baby in the first blogs is now in French kindergarten.  He also has two younger sisters!  That’s them at the ice castle in Ottawa.

82 Responses to About

  1. Dianna says:

    Wow – I stopped by to thank you for visiting and commenting on my Freshly Pressed post earlier this week. I am blown away by the similarity of you in the above picture and my son when he was that age!! I called my husband over to the computer, and before I could say anything, he said “that looks like Marshall”!

    Anyway – going to check out more of your posts – thanks again for visiting. Hope you’ll stop by again soon!

    • Jimmy, just wanted to say…thanks for liking my blog, On Remembering, on IsraelRestored.WordPress.com. It would be interesting to read how you would propose to get Christians and the African-American community galvanized to support Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Got any blogs? Visit me again on IsraelRestored.WordPress.com real soon. I look forward to reading you suggestions. In the meantime, I will peruse your your posts. Thanks again! God bless you.
      Sarah D. Johnson

  2. Jimmy says:

    Poor Marshall! :). Not sure if he’s my age or not, but I got a lot of comparisons to Lucas when the film came out in ’86.
    Just to make sure I was clear, that’s my brother Jake with the baseball, I’m the one with glasses in the corner of the photo.

    Thanks for stopping by; I’ll be sure to visit again!

  3. Dianna says:

    Yes, that’s you that looks so much like Marshall did. I’ll try to find a pic of him around that age and send it to you so you can see the resemblance. He’ll be 31 next week. Of course, you do understand that I was just a “child” when he was born! 😉

  4. Tracy says:

    Can’t believe sum1 else remembers “Rad” – luved it – scene with song “Send Me An Angel” is my favorite!

    • Jimmy says:

      Remember it? I watched it everyday for an entire summer and then built a BMX track in my backyard to perform the same tricks (though my tricks consisted of popping a wheelie two and a half inches off the ground). Every once in a while, I drop a quote from that movie into conversation, “He wants to take Cru Jones one on one!” Nobody has figured out what I was talking about… yet.

  5. paul says:

    RAD is an awesome American movie. I quote it too…

  6. Jimmy, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a poetic comment. Really, it was so well-written and such a beautiful thought. I’m going to take a look around your blog, but I have to tell you, you and I have already struck a harmonious chord — I love the book of Ecclesiastes!

  7. Jimmy
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and ‘liking’ it! Enjoyed looking at yours and love the concept of the magic hamper! Do you know where I might find the magic window washer? What a wonderful gift you are making for your family. Sometimes pictures are not enough and memories fade, but you’ve got it covered in this blog. I’m just curious about the other 8%. 😉

  8. So you like cheesy 80s film quotes eh? Here’s one that hopefully brings a smile, “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick butt, and I’m all out of bubblegum.” classic- They Live

  9. Money says:

    People!!!Please stay away from the 80s movies!!! Too many good quotes from that decade!!

    “Nobody puts baby in the corner!!!” (I had to)

  10. Old Raven says:

    Your every word is filled with warmth! Words that are a pleasure to read. Thank you for visiting and reading my work.

  11. Natasha says:

    I love the name of your blog!

  12. ncardinale says:

    Thank you for liking and commenting on my latest blog post! I had no idea that “The Wonder Years” episodes are available on Netflix! Also, your blog is an absolute joy to read. All of your childhood/family stories are so charming and funny. 🙂

  13. equallyoked says:

    Thanks 4 stopping by my blog jimmy! I hope you will continue to enjoy it as I am enjoying your blog…great pic, those were the good ol’ days! God bless you & your family 🙂

  14. Gwenelle says:

    Hi Jimmy! Thanks for visiting and “liking” my blog. I love your writing style and I think it’s wonderful that you’re documenting these stories for your family for the years to come. God bless and happy holidays!

  15. bden011 says:

    Thanks for the recent “like” to my post 🙂 I have enjoyed reading your blog bio. You seem like a great parent and interesting person.

  16. societyred says:

    I love your blog and I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, Congrats!

  17. Thanks for liking my Mer-Man post. I’m a sucker for 80s nostalgia and will be “reviewing” lots more He-Men so I hope you pop by again sometime.

  18. prayerprompt says:

    Thanks for stopping by… As for 80’s quotes, my favorite would have to be,
    “But right now, they got to do what’s right for them. Because it’s their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here.”

  19. pathwriter says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. LOVE yours!

  20. Hi Jimmy, thanks so much for visiting my blog! 🙂

  21. auntyuta says:

    Hi Jimmy, I also want to thank you for visiting my blog. I also love the name of your blog! I’m always interested in what people write for their families. Having grown up with four other Js you have probably a lot to tell and most of it true!
    See you soon! Uta

  22. Wow you put an impressive amount of effort into this blog! You’re the first person I’ve heard of creating a blog-memoir for their kids but it makes perfect sense. I myself find this wordpress blogging stuff a little complicated, but you seem to understand it; how did you get it so that when you click on archives it just shows the title and a short blurb? Mine always shows the whole post before the next one.

  23. sab33n says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  24. 1smiles says:

    Hi Jimmy,
    Appreciate your visit to my blog.. Hope you don’t mind.. but I think I’d enjoy following along here. 🙂

  25. Thank you for liking my poem. I’m very new to this!

  26. mamaboe says:

    I’m interested in hearing about that 8%…..

  27. thanks for reading my blog and liking my post, Jimmy. I came by to check you out, and now I need to look up a movie called RAD, apparently. Will I love it as much as Sidekicks starring the great Chuck Norris and the late Jonathan Brandis? (okay, so it came out in 1992, but that’s basically still the 80s right??)

  28. I just created my blog this very morning and you were the first visitor and the first to ´like´. That was special, so thanks!

  29. Thank you for checking out my blog. It seems we both began writing to share our memories and thoughts with family and friends.

  30. andrewwaltz says:

    Just wanted to give you a thanks for “liking” my most recent MLB post! I appreciate it and enjoy your blog! Thanks!

  31. I really enjoy your writing — linked to your blog in my last post — http://wp.me/p1Up52-hd 🙂

  32. momshieb says:

    I love the idea of creating a memoir for your children! I wish they had had blogs when mine were small. What a sweet and humorous place to gather your memories for your children!

  33. Charlie says:

    Thanks for the like and the comment on my post. I hit the follow button on your site so I can keep up with your posts. If you have the time please venture around the rest of my posts, you’ll find them to be- in the words of Bender- social, demented and sad, but social. Thanks again

  34. judybowman says:

    Jimmy, thanks so much for your visit to my new blog. I hope this can be posted because I am such a novice. I often get tangled in the instructions, and then I push the BAD WORD button and leave. I think your blog is great. Living in real time and paying attention to what is great in your life. No idea where you are in the world but another visit may clear this up. I am in the great snowbound north on the coast of Canada. Best wishes

  35. dasouthern says:

    Thanks, Jimmy, for dropping by the blog and taking the time to become involved. I appreciate you. Thanks again. Be Excellent and Expect the Best.

  36. bubbe says:

    Thanks for stopping by to check out my blather and for liking my post. I hope to be able to browse around your blog when I have some time. 🙂

  37. StillValerie says:

    Jimmy, I lovingly present the Liebster Blog Award to you so that others may connect with you through your blog and learn about your abundant life.

    Check out http://thestillspot.wordpress.com/honours/ to learn what this award means.

    Blessings for an abundant life!

  38. Thanks for liking my post, Jimmy! Calvin & Hobbes are pretty much my heroes ;c)

  39. timelesslady says:

    Hi Jimmy, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Kathy

  40. I like your blog…deff. love your writing style. Keep up the great work, sir.

  41. annewoodman says:

    You probably already have one, but I just awarded you a Kreativ Blogger on my post today: http://annewoodman.wordpress.com/ (Picture a Blogging Fairy with a wand.) Congratulations!

  42. Ann Marquez says:

    Hello! I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award because I think your blog is amazing! Please go to this page on my site to see the rules and to get the widget: http://desertmusepublishing.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/kreativ-blogger-award-passing-it-on/
    Happy Blogging! 😀

  43. I’m humbled to get a like from a blogger such as yourself…thanks!

  44. oops! honored. (today must be opposite of what you mean day)

  45. paigefussell says:

    Hi, Jimmy. Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read my recent post!

  46. seetarn says:

    Hey Jimmy,
    That’s a cute picture there…and thanks for visiting my blog…its fun to sometimes sit back and relax and slowly slip into nostalgia…coz those were the golden days we realize, when is began comparing them to this fast moving world today….so enjoy your time in Wichita and congratulations on being a proud father second time around…good luck to you and your family…
    Regards, from your new friend and well wisher…
    Seeta…have fun, keep reading…and also blogging…

  47. pcastillon says:

    Hi, Jimmy! Thank you for dropping by my blog. I’m new here at WordPress and I don’t know which good blogs to follow yet. I am glad I found yours. 🙂

  48. paralaxvu says:

    Hi, Jimmy. You don’t look like anyone I know, but I do have an older brother whose name looks just like yours;) I stopped by to visit you after you liked my “bullied?” blog and stayed to read several of yours. They’re great! My childhood memories are of times farther past but they still bring back the memories of kidhood. Maybe I’ll try to dredge some up from then and post. You keep on posting too…I like it!

  49. mattcaracas says:

    Thank you for stopping by Jimmy, appreciate the time you took to read it and will reciprocate the effort and take some time to read a few of your posts as well….take care and look forward to knowing more about you. Thanks again…

  50. Mars says:

    Jimmy, thanks heaps for stopping by my little blog. That’s a good picture right there, brings back memories of my childhood with my many sibs. Looking forward to read more of your posts in the future. All the best, Mars

  51. amysworlds says:

    Hiya Jimmy! Glad you liked my post Pops, painting and pemmican 🙂 Forgot to mention kids seem to like making cake pops, something about squashing cake into balls (and being allowed to do so) appeals to them
    Happy blogging!

  52. laurelscrown says:

    Thank you for taking time to visit Bipolar World. 🙂 Love the title of your blog and your “About” page is very engaging. 🙂

  53. Thank you for stopping by, glad to have found you! Love the title of your blog! You sound like a very colorful and intriguing person! I look forward to hearing from you!

  54. Hi Jimmy, thanks for liking my blog. cheeers

  55. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking the latest in our hysteria! Best of Luck to you in your journeys!

  56. Fay Moore says:

    Greatest gift ever for your wife and children!

  57. Lynn says:

    Hello Jimmy.Thanks for being around my blog.

  58. Hi, Jimmy,

    Thanks so much for liking my blog! I see you’re in Wichita, Kansas – I actually grew up there. My parents went to WSU for grad school. Hope you stay tuned to my work, and keep blogging!

    – Yulin Kuang

  59. Dave says:

    Hi, Jimmy, thanks for spreading cheer and warmth around the world. I am really enjoying the nostalgia and don’t want to know which belong to the 8%. Thanks for stopping by.

  60. barefootlisa says:

    Jimmy! Thank you for liking my recent post of quotes. Last week was the first “week in quotes.” I love your tag line “…92% true!” Already I’m a fan! Lisa

  61. heybernice says:

    Thanks for your like today – I will we keen to read your weekly stories HB

  62. cricketmuse says:

    We used to create scrapbooks to create memories for our kids, now we create blogs. Thanks for letting us in on the sharing! And thanks for stopping by–congrats on the new one on the way.
    Happy Pages,

  63. Congratulations on having a wife and nearly 2 children. I don’t take any basics for granted, they come slowly for me. Speaking of which, I’m always astounded and excited my blog gets found. Thanks for leaving a trace. Never been to Kansas, enjoyed other spots among my US neighbours. In the 70s, creaking and kitty-clawed well past the 80s, we had a checkered couch too. http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/my-anniversary-here/

  64. Kerry Wester says:

    Hey Jimmy, Somehow I ended up on your “about me” page and read all these nods from other bloggers. Sadly I have no power to nominate you for anything but I do have to say I always love your blogs and I am positive no one else here has baked you a chocolate angel food cake for your half birthday so that pretty much makes me important to myself. 😉 One of these days I just might start a blog that’s only 91%. Hope you and Kris are settling in well. Let me know when the guest room is ready for me and Scott, myself and the angel food cake pan will be there.

  65. Hermionejh says:

    Hi! I nominated you for the One Awesome Blog Award (updated by me from One Lovely Blog Award). Cheers! Jerri

  66. Congratulations! I just nominated you for the Full of Heart Blogging Award! Check it out… http://forhisgloryandpraise.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/now-for-a-few-awards-i-designed/

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